

join uS: SUNDAYS @ 10:30 am (sunday school) & 11:15 am (worship service) IN PERSON & wEDNESDAYS @ 7:15 PM (bible connect) zoom only. we encourage you to visit @EmmanuelTempleChurchBuffalo on YouTube and Subscribe! We encourage you to watch past sermons then like and share!

Give to Emmanuel Temple Church

Your tithes and offerings are appreciated at Emmanuel Temple Church.  Ways to give are in person at the sanctuary after service; by mailing to:  Emmanuel Temple Church, 701 Kensington Avenue, Buffalo, NY 14215; and through the Givelify app.  Within the Givelify Giving link below there are options for giving as well as links to download the app. to your mobile device.  For help on how to use Givelify, we've provided a link below to a helpful video demonstration.  Thank you in advance!  

  Givelify Giving
  Givelify Demo Video